Die ersten 2 sind fürs Ct von Shannon Fahrnbach@Hods and Devine digital und sind erstellt mit dem Kit Glorious blossoms

Diese 3 sind fürs Ct bei sunflowers99@scrapladies & angeldreamsboutique
Kit: Lenasday und beim 3. habe ich noch datestamps von sunflowers99 verwendet.
Kit: Lenasday und beim 3. habe ich noch datestamps von sunflowers99 verwendet.

2 Kommentare:
Good Afternoon,
I hope you don't mind that I am notifying you this way, but I wanted to tell you about my new freebie forum.
Your designs are wonderful and you would be such an asset to the Forum!
If designers post here, freebie seekers will come!
Please come and check it out at: http://scrapperdesign.com/forum.
What a way to drive scrappers to your blog/web site!
Hope to see you there!
Hi Sarah,
sorry it's taken me so long to get to your blog. It looks fabulous. I love your LO's of Lukas and your designs are wonderful. Great Blog!!
Tracy aka Ambowife
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