Hier meine Layouts der letzten Tagen und Wochen

For my Ct by Janosch Designs
Credits: Reveur by Janosch Designs and Doreen Scholz @ Hotspotscraps.com

Credits: Template by Dark Angel SCrapworld24.de
Dream Whispers by Jofia Devoe @ theDigichick.com

For my CT by Little Mrs. Liv
Kit: So Swirl avaiable by Elementalscraps.com

Credits: Circle Boarders by Little Mrs. Liv @ Elementalscraps.com
Tainted Love by Little Mrs. Liv and Becki Kress @ Elementalscraps.com

Credits: TheDigichick Sketch April
Suddenly fresh, Flower Mania and the Grass is green by Jofia DEvoe

Credits: So swirl by Little Mrs. Liv @ Elementalscraps.com

The Digi Chick Sketch April
Suddenly Fresh by Jofia Devoe

Flower Boarder: Tainted Love by Little Mrs. Liv and Becki Kress
So Swirl by Little Mrs. Liv @ Elementalscraps.com

Credits: March, Funny Eastern and Waiting for Spring by Sarah-Design @ Scrapworld24.de and Hotspotscraps.com

A Lift of ? , see the full Credits in my Gallery by DST